Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catholic Imagery in Janelle Monàe's Oeuvre, or How Jane Predated the Met Gala

Much ado has been made of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heavenly Bodies exhibition and corresponding Gala.  Discussion aplenty has been going around, especially in Catholic circles, of the relationship between Catholic culture and today's pop culture.  When it comes to current pop culture usage of imagery associated with the Faith, many artists' names readily come to mind. One that may not, however, is Janelle Monàe.  While she's not Catholic and her worldview differs in many ways with Catholic teaching, a Catholic could recognize in Monàe's oeuvre themes that predate Heavenly Bodies going back to her first album.  It's a theme that has continued up to her current work Dirty Computer.

The ArchAndroid

While Monàe's android alter ego Cindi Mayweather was introduced in her EPs The Audition and Metropolis, it was the 2010 album The ArchAndroid that put a bit of a Catholic edge to her.  It begins with the title itself.  ArchAndroid is pronounced like archangel, one of the nine choirs of angels that are part of Catholic tradition.  The album's storyline explores whether Cindi is the figure "sent to free the citizens of Metropolis from the Great Divide...which..suppress[es] freedom and love throughout the ages".  Church tradition has the Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, casting down Satan and all evil spirits by the power of God, as noted in the prayer usually said at the end of every Mass.  A great explanation of the Archangels in Catholic tradition can be found here.

The Electric Lady

The Catholic references continue in 2013's The Electric Lady with a mention of Joan of Arc in title track.  Similarities can be inferred between Cindi and the Maid of Orleans.  In her article on Joan of Arc, Mary Gordon notes the saint's goal of uniting France.  Cindi's goal, alluded to on The ArchAndroid's  track 57821, was to "lead them all back to one".  Joan, Gordon continues, is one that doesn't submit to injustice and risks herself for what she believes is right.  Cindi, in comparison, risks herself for what she believed was right-love and freedom for her fellow androids.  In addition, neither Joan nor Cindi fit traditional standards. Gordon notes Joan as having a "remarkable personality [that] did not conform to the traditional categories the church used to judge individual sanctity". Cindi was an android with rockstar capabilities and a heart.

Dirty Computer

Monàe's latest album starts right off the bat with what could be a nod to Catholic aesthetics with it's cover art.

The halo and coloring is reminiscent of iconography, which has been a part of Catholic tradition, especially in the Eastern Rite.  Even the use of a gemstone face cover evokes the use of precious materials in icons.  Her gaze and head placement evokes that of the icon of the Virgin Mary Hagiosoritissa (See below). 

(Photo curtesy of The Sinai Icon Collection-Princeton University)

According to Michael Hesemann, in his book  Mary of Nazareth  the icon's name means "intercessor".  Such an image thus seems fitting as in many interviews, Monae has described herself as being a voice for those who haven't traditionally had a voice.  As for other aspects of the album one can also find some nods to Catholic thought.  In this interview (Courtesy YouTube) for Beats 1, she notes that humans "come from dirt", reminiscent of the saying Catholics hear every Ash Wednesday that "Remember, man, you are dust, and to dust you shall return".

The aforementioned Marian imagery can also be seen in the line in "Django Jane" in which she raps "We gave you God".  This is likely a reference to the part of her Women's March speech in which she noted "According to the Bible, it was a woman who gave you Jesus". Hesemann notes in the aforementioned  book that the Hagiosoritissa image gave way to the Marian dogma of Theotokos  (literally translated "God-bearer"), promulgated by the Council of Ephesus in 431.  Consistent with the imagery, Monae took the look to the Met Gala.

(photo courtesy of

While much talk of the ensemble has been of its consistency with the Dirty Computer album cover, the aforementioned shows a thread from it to Catholic imagery.  That's not to mention the silhouette had a bit of a cardinal's outfit. The Church has long had an influence on culture, even in contemporary pop culture. Janelle Monàe, an ever growing force in today's cultural arena, may not readily be seen as having anything to do with Catholicism.  However, if one explores the deeper themes of her work, one can find a hint of influence from images associated with the Faith.  It's one that's been there for a while.

Gordon, Mary. Desperately Seeking Joan.

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