Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lessons From a Plant, Part 2

It's been a long time coming, but your humble blogger figured it's time to give an update on her plant situation. Sadly,  Ms. Stronàe kicked the bucket earlier this year.  It was a good run, as she lasted three years. In her passing,  she reiterated to yours truly the following:

1) You can only do your best, and be humble about it
When gardening is not your thing, don't expect the same results as someone who is a gardening or plant expert. While it was a bit disappointing to see Stronáe go after having done my best to maintain her. The experience taught me that keeping a plant alive for three years  is pretty good for someone that's a novice at the whole thing.  When you put forth your best effort, you have to be okay with that.

2) There can be self-conscious with any project,  but don't let it cloud your efforts.
Keeping a plant can raise one's self-consciousness level as it involves taking care of a life. While not the same as taking care of a human life, taking care of a plant is taking care of a life nonetheless. That means occasional moments where one finds themselves second-guessing what they're doing.  The result may be making a judgment that may cause damage instead of helping. Keeping in mind point number 1 can help in these times and also

3)You can begin again.
Despite the loss, your humble blogger decided to try the plant owning thing again.  Meet Cecile

She came from a local plant vendor and is holding up ok, given your humble blogger's attempts to put Stronáe's lessons into practice. 

Until next time,

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