Monday, December 31, 2018

Holiday thoughts

(Picture from pixabay)

For many,  the holiday season means special time with loved ones from near and far. With that comes the propensity to get caught up in all that comes with the celebration. It thus seemed timely that your humble blogger would come across this notable quotable:

Let me be more patient. Let me be more kind. That helps me to lead with love in all that I say and all that I do.
(Yes, it's another Janelle Monàe quote)

Sound familiar? Such terms evoke is St. Paul's definition of love in his 2nd Letter to the Corinthians. For your humble blogger, it also generates the sense of giving oneself for another. That's given, truth be told, being patient and kind is giving of at least some of one's energy. It implies giving not just any energy, but the best of oneself.

As we celebrate the season and enter a new year, it might be worth thinking about what it means to love. Then, we can find ways we can lead with love more. That's hard to beat now or any time of year.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Self Care and Self Gift

(Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

What's been on your humble blogger's mind lately has been the idea of the connection between self care and self gift.  To be specific: much has been talked of the former, but what does it really mean, especially if not in the context of the latter? In addition, what does it mean for one to give of oneself?  The response, as intuited by your humble blogger, is rooted in an understanding of the self  in terms of a transcendent paradox in which, to quote Thomas Merton, " We must forget ourselves in order to become conscious of  who we are".  It is an understanding in which, to further quote Merton,

What I do is also done for them [others] and with them and by them. What they do is done in me and by me and for me. But each one of us remains responsible for his own share in the life of the whole body.

In other words, self care is for self gift-to be taken in a holistic and transcendent light. It goes to the heart of who we are as human beings. It goes to the meaning of life. Understood in this fashion,  it respects both our humanity and our purpose.

There is a great truism that goes "You can't give what you don't have". What we as humans have, to continue in Merton's insightful thought, is meaning:

 No matter how ruined man and his world may seem to be, and no matter how terrible man's despair may become,  as long as he continues to be a man his very humanity continues to tell him that life has a meaning. (No Man is an Island)
Given that, he continues,  it is the individual's responsibility to find that meaning for his or herself. What is that meaning anyway? Salvation.

Merton defines salvation as the "tangled paradoxes" of "self-realization in the order of nature" and " of "the finding of the supernatural order". He describes it as being "...contained in [a saying] of St. Paul: 'We are all members one of another'". It seems to logically flow from this that one would practice care of the self. Such care wouldn't be just any kind, but a kind that would, continuing from Merton's thought, enable one to "face myself exactly as I am, with all my limitations, and to accept others as they are, with all their limitations.". Continuing logic would thus connect this self-care to giving of the self.

Merton insightfully illustrates this when he notes that
This matter of "salvation" is, when seen intuitively,  a very simple thing.  But when we analyze it, it turns into a complex tangle of paradoxes...We gain only what we give up, and if we give up everything we gain everything.  We cannot find ourselves within ourselves, but only in others, yet at the same time before we can go out to others we must find ourselves.
This gift, however, has to be properly ordered. As Merton further explains
If my gift [to another] is intended to bind him to me, to put him under an obligation, to exercise a kind of hidden moral tyranny over his soul, then in loving him I am really loving myself

What Merton alludes to here is the self-gift in a selfish way. That's just one way self gift can drift from it's proper order.  One can risk giving themselves as an end in itself, not grounding it in objective reality.  In addition,  one can give of themselves in a way that neeedlesly harms the physical,  spiritual, and emotional well being of oneself and/or the person they give themselves to. The same principle can be applied to self care as well.

It thus appears that self-gift is a natural feature and product of self care. Neither one can be self-centered, or they will become selfish. They also have to be concerned with objective reality and the higher good, lest they be applied in an unhealthy manner. Underlying all of this is a holistic and transcendent view of humanity, which isn't always included in contemporary discussions.

The question of self-care and self-gift comes down to just that-the self.  As illustrated above, the human self is one that is both natural and supernatural in one whole. With that in mind, an inherent dignity of the human self as human is recognized and respected. One doesn't have to look far to see where such a view isn't always included in current conversation. In fact, many discussions these days seem to take an opposing view from the aforementioned , turning self-care and self-gift into loaded terms.

What then, to make of self in a society seemingly obsessed with the care of it? As illustrated in this work with the help of some insights from Thomas Merton, self care is for self gift. Both have to viewed an applied in light of the holistic and transcendent in order to be implemented the way they're meant to be. At least for your humble blogger,  that's what her musings on the subject have come up with.

What are your thoughts? Be sure to utilize the comment box.


Merton, Thomas. No Man is an Island. New
    York:Harcourt, 1975.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

When circumstances won't let you go to a Halloween party but you want to dress up like a certain someone anyway.  Gotta love Janelle Monàe's iconic look- work appropriate yet able to get into the spirit of the season 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The origins of MsRanaDee

(Your humble blogger)

Recently,  Twitter had a trending topic asking the story behind its users ' handles. Since this blog and my Twitter handle share the same name, it feels apropos to share its origin here. Msranadee is a play on my aunt calling me by first name and middle initial, Rana D.,  as a term of endearment. "Ms" was added for flair. The one word spelling plays on its phonetic pronunciation. Now you know a little more about yours truly.

Until next time!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Stronàe update no. Umpteen

Your humble blogger is back with yet another update on Ms. Stronàe. Last time she was mentioned,  she was here. The picture above is her most recent status. Suffice it to say she's been through a lot. Within that, though, was a true lesson: never underestimate the power of effort.  It's to easy to not want to put any effort into something unless you're all in. However, results can come from the unlikeliest areas you put any form of effort into.  It seems to be almost a law of nature- any energy put into something will get something back.

Until next time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

'Nuff said

This quote stopped your humble blogger dead in her tracks at first sight and begged to be shared. And really,  there isn't anything to add.

(Source: Dynamic Catholic)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Enjoy the silence, Pt. 2

(Gif courtesy

This line from "Django Jane" has been the symbol of the overarching theme for your humble blogger's past few weeks.-the need for silence. Yes, the issue was addressed here, but it has felt worth reiterating.  The fact is, though,  it's hard to get away from noise in today's society. So much is at one's fingertips with smartphones and social media. On top of that,  there's the hubbub that is contemporary Western life. It takes intentional effort to actually make time for quiet. Even if for a set time five minutes a day, it's well worth it.  Put the phone down, turn off the T.V., and just be. As baby steps are best for yours truly,  3 minutes will be the initial goal. Hopefully this sets you on your journey to a quieter place. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catholic Imagery in Janelle Monàe's Oeuvre, or How Jane Predated the Met Gala

Much ado has been made of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heavenly Bodies exhibition and corresponding Gala.  Discussion aplenty has been going around, especially in Catholic circles, of the relationship between Catholic culture and today's pop culture.  When it comes to current pop culture usage of imagery associated with the Faith, many artists' names readily come to mind. One that may not, however, is Janelle Monàe.  While she's not Catholic and her worldview differs in many ways with Catholic teaching, a Catholic could recognize in Monàe's oeuvre themes that predate Heavenly Bodies going back to her first album.  It's a theme that has continued up to her current work Dirty Computer.

The ArchAndroid

While Monàe's android alter ego Cindi Mayweather was introduced in her EPs The Audition and Metropolis, it was the 2010 album The ArchAndroid that put a bit of a Catholic edge to her.  It begins with the title itself.  ArchAndroid is pronounced like archangel, one of the nine choirs of angels that are part of Catholic tradition.  The album's storyline explores whether Cindi is the figure "sent to free the citizens of Metropolis from the Great Divide...which..suppress[es] freedom and love throughout the ages".  Church tradition has the Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, casting down Satan and all evil spirits by the power of God, as noted in the prayer usually said at the end of every Mass.  A great explanation of the Archangels in Catholic tradition can be found here.

The Electric Lady

The Catholic references continue in 2013's The Electric Lady with a mention of Joan of Arc in title track.  Similarities can be inferred between Cindi and the Maid of Orleans.  In her article on Joan of Arc, Mary Gordon notes the saint's goal of uniting France.  Cindi's goal, alluded to on The ArchAndroid's  track 57821, was to "lead them all back to one".  Joan, Gordon continues, is one that doesn't submit to injustice and risks herself for what she believes is right.  Cindi, in comparison, risks herself for what she believed was right-love and freedom for her fellow androids.  In addition, neither Joan nor Cindi fit traditional standards. Gordon notes Joan as having a "remarkable personality [that] did not conform to the traditional categories the church used to judge individual sanctity". Cindi was an android with rockstar capabilities and a heart.

Dirty Computer

Monàe's latest album starts right off the bat with what could be a nod to Catholic aesthetics with it's cover art.

The halo and coloring is reminiscent of iconography, which has been a part of Catholic tradition, especially in the Eastern Rite.  Even the use of a gemstone face cover evokes the use of precious materials in icons.  Her gaze and head placement evokes that of the icon of the Virgin Mary Hagiosoritissa (See below). 

(Photo curtesy of The Sinai Icon Collection-Princeton University)

According to Michael Hesemann, in his book  Mary of Nazareth  the icon's name means "intercessor".  Such an image thus seems fitting as in many interviews, Monae has described herself as being a voice for those who haven't traditionally had a voice.  As for other aspects of the album one can also find some nods to Catholic thought.  In this interview (Courtesy YouTube) for Beats 1, she notes that humans "come from dirt", reminiscent of the saying Catholics hear every Ash Wednesday that "Remember, man, you are dust, and to dust you shall return".

The aforementioned Marian imagery can also be seen in the line in "Django Jane" in which she raps "We gave you God".  This is likely a reference to the part of her Women's March speech in which she noted "According to the Bible, it was a woman who gave you Jesus". Hesemann notes in the aforementioned  book that the Hagiosoritissa image gave way to the Marian dogma of Theotokos  (literally translated "God-bearer"), promulgated by the Council of Ephesus in 431.  Consistent with the imagery, Monae took the look to the Met Gala.

(photo courtesy of

While much talk of the ensemble has been of its consistency with the Dirty Computer album cover, the aforementioned shows a thread from it to Catholic imagery.  That's not to mention the silhouette had a bit of a cardinal's outfit. The Church has long had an influence on culture, even in contemporary pop culture. Janelle Monàe, an ever growing force in today's cultural arena, may not readily be seen as having anything to do with Catholicism.  However, if one explores the deeper themes of her work, one can find a hint of influence from images associated with the Faith.  It's one that's been there for a while.

Gordon, Mary. Desperately Seeking Joan.

Monday, April 30, 2018

A poem to spark

Could a
Should a
Seas of rueful blue
Flow through you
For every forward step
Not taken

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Preserving Potawatomi

The following is an assignment from the current FutureLearn course I'm taking, Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture 
The Potawatomi language, spoken by members of the Potawatomi tribe of North America, is in real danger of becoming extinct. It is in the Algonquin language family. Recent numbers place the amount of speakers to lower than 25. The language's decline resulted from the history of contact with Europeans and Americans and eventual suppression that most native groups faced. In addition, many of the native speakers are elderly. Revitalization of the language has been in the hands of the Potowatomi themselves as each of their nine bands, which reside in Michigan, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Canada, have a language department that provides resources. In Michigan, for example, classes are offered at a high school and college level. Hence, younger generations can gain access and keep the language alive. For the Potowatomi, such efforts means culture is also maintained, given the language is key to the group's cultural teachings and practices. contains Such situations, in my view, demonstrate the interconnected nature of language and culture. It is thus essential to preserve language to preserve culture.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Yet another Stronae update

Here's the new news on my desk plant, Stronàe. For a refresher,  my story on maintaining her can be found here and here. This month, after some significant need of TLC (again, I'm a novice at anything related to keeping a plant),  I decided to re-pot her with some new soil

Unfortunately, she still ended up needing more pruning. On the upside,  she's still hanging in there.

P.S. If anyone has any tips on how to get a pruned plant back from looking like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, it would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Resolutions, failure, and "Just Doing It"

So we're well into the New Year. How are those resolutions coming? In many cases, resolutions mean  change, which is hard to do.  Hence, the occasional slip up, or in some cases, out-and-out failure. Thanks to Dynamic Catholic again for coming through with a soul-piercing insight to think about when we fall down in our journey to growth and need to get back up and , like Nike, "Just Do It".
(Photo: from Dynamic Catholic)